
On October 30, 2020, the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting held a webinar “In-depth interviews and focus groups” for potential participants in the grant competition “Public evaluation of regional customs”.

The webinar was conducted by Oksana Kuziakiv, Project Team Leader Support for the Public Initiative for Fair and Transparent Customs, Executive Director of the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting and Iryna Fedets, Project Expert for the Public Initiative for Fair and Transparent Customs, Senior Research Fellow research and policy advice.

During the webinar, Oksana Kuziakiv spoke about the methodology and details of in-depth interviews, in particular about in-depth interviews as a method of sociological research and what a non-sociologist needs to know.
Iryna Fedets told in detail how to hold a focus group, why focus groups are held, in which cases they should and should not be held, highlighted the specifics of focus group discussions online.

The speakers answered the questions of the webinar participants.

Presentation “In-depth interviews as a method of gathering information: what you need to know” non-sociologist “available (ukr) at the link

The presentation “How to conduct a focus group: why focus groups are held, when they should and should not be held, the specifics of focus group discussions online” is available (ukr) at the link.

The full webinar recording is available on the IER YouTube page at link. The webinar was held within the framework of the project Support to the Public Initiative “For Fair and Transparent Customs”, implemented by the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting with the support of the European Union, the International Renaissance Foundation, Atlas Network.

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