The 5th wave of the annual Trade Facilitation survey conducted by the IER in 2020 and presented in 2020 shows the clear demand for reform of customs in Ukraine.
The authors of the report presented the results of a business survey to assess the work of customs, highlighted the main obstacles to export and import operations, bureaucracy and corruption, the cost of export-import operations, the attitude of business to customs reform.
Summary of Key Findings “The Fifth Wave of the Annual Survey of Ukrainian Exporters and Importers:
Topic 1. «Trade facilitation in Ukraine: Customs Reform through the Eyes of Businesses» link
Topic 2. «Trade facilitation in Ukraine: Customs Procedures, One-Stop Window and Electronic Documents» link
Topic 3. «Trade facilitation in Ukraine: Association Agreement, Foreign Trade Barriers and Business Associations» link
Topic 4. «Trade facilitation in Ukraine: Smuggling and “Gray Imports”, Corruption at the Customs» link