A regular meeting of participants of the public initiative took place “For fair and transparent customs”

On March 16, 2021, a regular meeting of participants of the Public Initiative “For Fair and Transparent Customs” (hereinafter – the Initiative) was held online on the ZOOM platform.

During the meeting, topical issues of the Initiative’s activity and the nearest plans of the association were discussed.

In particular:

  • summed up the activities of the Initiative for the last 6 months;
  • the topics and approximate dates of trainings and seminars for the participants of the Initiative and their partners were announced;
  • informed about the work of the Public Council at the State Customs Service and agreed on joint coordination of actions within the work of the council;
  • NGO “Europe without Barriers” presented key messages of recent research on border management issues and the Roadmap for solutions for the Schengen border of Ukraine;
  • informed about the joint initiative of the participants of the initiative to hold a student Hackathon on customs issues for students of customs universities in April this year.

The participants of the meeting spoke about the importance of measures aimed at increasing the capacity of their public organizations and intensifying joint efforts aimed at increasing the role of civil society in customs reform.

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