10 most important events that have affected the economy of Ukraine since independence, according to participants of the public initiative For Fair and Transparent Customs

10 most important events that have affected the economy of Ukraine since independence, according to participants of the Public Initiative “For Fair and Transparent Customs”:

  1. Conclusion and entry into force of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU
  2. Aggression by the Russian Federation and the occupation of Ukrainian territories
  3. Introduction of the currency – the hryvnia
  4. Privatization
  5. Covid-19 and economic consequences
  6. Ukraine’s accession to the World Trade Organization
  7. Simplified system for FOP
  8. Introduction of the land market
  9. Decentralization and community building
  10. Implementation of the Prozorro system

In August, we conducted a survey among the participants of the Public Initiative and asked to identify 10 events since Ukraine’s independence that had the greatest impact on the country’s economy. In addition, mentioned: the loss of the state monopoly on foreign economic activity; the presence of smuggling and so-called. gray imports; introduction of a “single window” at customs; economic crises of 1998, 2007/2008, 2014; Euro 2012; introduction of a visa-free regime with the EU; constitutional reform of 2005.

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