An online training for business on open data of the State Customs Service was held

On September 30, 2021, as part of the project Support to the Public Initiative “For Fair and Transparent Customs”, the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (IER) together with EU4PFM conducted a free online training “Open Data of the State Customs Service: where to find them and how to use them. Possibilities of the online management analytics system of the State Customs Service BI (Business Intelligence) and practical examples of use “.

During the training, participants learned what data from the State Customs Service are available and where to find them, as well as what are the possibilities of working with such data and what tasks can be solved with their help. The training is designed for business representatives who will be able to use the acquired knowledge during their activities.

“The Business Intelligence online system is already integrated and is a very important part of the modernization and renewal of customs – the customs reform that is taking place in our country. Today, just such an example, when government agencies speak and show (I want to note – for free) on their official resources, hold such free meetings to explain how to use certain opportunities, how to use the data sets that are now opening. And this is very important. In my deep conviction, such events should be widely publicized, and the number of those who know how to use open data and the tools provided by the state should grow, “said IER Executive Director Oksana Kuziakiv during her welcoming speech.

In total, more than 200 people took part in the training. These were both members of the Public Initiative “For Fair and Transparent Customs” and all interested.

Speaker presentation (ukr) link

The video of the training in free access is posted on the Youtube-channel of the IER.

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