The survey “Do you use such a product as the Online Management Analytics System of the State Customs Service BI (Business Intelligence)” was conducted by the Project “Support to the Public Initiative” For Fair and Transparent Customs “(hereinafter the Initiative) online from September 27 to October 13, 2021.
This is the 13th survey in a series of online surveys conducted regularly by the Initiative.
The purpose of the survey was to study the opinions of users about the experience of using (using) the product of management analytics of the State Customs Service Business Intelligence (ВІ).
More than half of the respondents rated the use of the Business Intelligence platform as “excellent” and “good”
The convenience of using the Online Management Analytics System of the State Customs Service Business Intelligence (BI) was rated “good” by almost half of the respondents – 46%, while only 9% of the respondents rated the service as “excellent”. These are the results of an online survey conducted by the project “Support to the Public Initiative” For Fair and Transparent Customs “.
36% and 9% of respondents rated the ease of use “mediocre” and “unsatisfactory”, respectively.
The functionality of the BI platform has generally received lower ratings. The majority of respondents – 55% – said mediocre or poor functionality. Only 9% rated the functionality of the service as “excellent” and 36% as “good”.
At the same time, 68% of respondents indicated that they lacked instructions in using the platform. 32% complained about the lack of information on the platform about the level of applied import duty rates, 27% and 5% of respondents indicated the lack of information about the method of transportation and customs regimes, respectively.
In the future, respondents would like to see a faster, simpler and more “friendly interface”, an improved data upload system and increased availability of available information.