Youth Hackathon on the topic: “Postal items: security, control, smuggling”

(November 19-24, 2021)

As part of the project Support to the Public Initiative “For Fair and Transparent Customs” together with the the University of Customs and Finance (Dnipro), the University of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine (Irpin) and the Institute of International Relations of the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (IIR) from 19 to 24 November, 2021 held a competition of projects (Youth Hackathon) on “Postal items: security, control, smuggling”.

Seven teams from five higher educational institutions of Ukraine took part in the Hackathon.

This is the fourth hackathon organized by the IER, which is dedicated to topical issues of the customs sphere. The hackathon was conducted online.

Team NameUniversity
1Young expertsPoltava University of Economics and Trade
2Customs guardNational Transport University
3SynergyState Tax University
4Grand’exState Tax University
5University of Customs and FinanceUniversity of Customs and Finance
6UCFUniversity of Customs and Finance
7MEP TOPSemen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics

The rules of the event provided for two stages: distribution of tasks (cases) and presentation of results. A feature of this year’s hackathon were short videos that the teams had to shoot as part of their tasks.

On November 19, 2021, the participants of the hackathon were given the appropriate tasks by drawing lots, and on November 24, 2021, a presentation of projects prepared by the teams took place.

Practical staff for the teams included topical subjects:

Case No. 1: International express-delivery: shortcomings in the customs procedure of registration.

Case № 2: Suspension of customs clearance and destruction of small consignments of goods on suspicion of violation of intellectual property rights that are moved (shipped) across the customs border of Ukraine in international postal and express deliveries.

Case № 3: International postal and express services: conditions of delivery, taxation, prohibitions and restrictions.

Case № 4: International postal and express services as a conflictogen. Is a compromise possible?

Case № 5 Security of mail delivery chains.

The jury consisted of representatives of public authorities, non-governmental organizations, experts and scientists:

Oksana KUZIAKIV, Project Team Leader, Support to the Public Initiative “For Fair and Transparent Customs”, Executive Director (IER)

Vadym BORSA, Senior Lecturer, Department of Customs, University of the SFS of Ukraine

Anton NANAVOV, Deputy Director of the Institute of International Relations of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv for Scientific and Pedagogical Work

Eugene ANHEL, IER Research Fellow

Iryna KVELIASHVILI, Professor of the Department of Public Administration and Customs Administration, University of Customs and Finance (Dnipro), Doctor of Science in Public Administration

Andriy SAVARETS, Associate Expert of CASE Ukraine

Alexander BORODYNYA, President of the Ukrshkirvzuttyaprom League

The winners of the youth hackathon were:

First placeUniversity of Customs and FinanceUniversity of Customs and Finance (Dnipro)
Second placeSynergyState Tax University (Irpin)
Third placeGrand’exState Tax University
MEP TOPSemen Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics (Kharkiv)
Prize for creative video and team spiritCustoms guardNational Transport University (Kyiv) 

We truly thank all the teams for their participation, we wish success and new creative projects!

The event was attended by 146 people ((61 ZOOM  85 YouTube)

The video of the Youth Hackathon by link

The hackathon was held within the framework of the project “Support to the Public Initiative” For Fair and Transparent Customs “, which is implemented by the IER with the financial support of the European Union and co-financing by the Renaissance Foundation and the ATLAS Network.The positions expressed during the youth hackathon reflect the opinion of the authors and do not necessarily coincide with the position of the European Union, the International Renaissance Foundation, ATLAS Network and (or) the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting.

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