Safety of consumer goods

According to the results of an online survey

From October 30 to November 14, 2021, another regular survey (survey 14) was held among the participants of the Public Initiative and other stakeholders on the topic: ” Safety of consumer goods”. The survey was conducted in cooperation with Lev Bayazitov, advisor to the President of the Association “UKRZOVNISTRANS”.

The majority of respondents – 64% – always think about the safety of the goods they buy.

Sometimes 34% think about safety and only 2% never think about whether a product is safe or not.

Also, almost all respondents believe that there is a risk of incorrect determination of the level of safety of goods. Of these, 46% called it high and 53% low.

The majority of respondents (60%) take into account special marks on product safety. At the same time, a significant part of respondents (40%) do not take them into account.

According to the majority of respondents (72%), the state should guarantee, but does not guarantee information about the safety of goods.

To resolve this issue, we need to:

  • create a reliable and understandable system of communication with citizens on issues related to product safety and consumer protection;
  • review the emphasis on the work of market surveillance authorities, in particular on increasing public confidence in their work.

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