New Monthly Enterprises Survey. Issue 5. (9.2022) Ukrainian Business in Wartime

From May 2022, the Institute of Economic Research and Political Consultations began to issue the Monthly Survey of Enterprises “Ukrainian Business During the War”. The goal of the project is to quickly obtain information about the current state of the economy at the enterprise level.

The survey is conducted using the approach of business trend research (or Business Tendency Survey), when the assessment of the situation is based on the generalizations of judgments and expectations of the main economic agents – entrepreneurs and enterprise managers regarding the situation at their enterprise. The field stage of the fifth wave lasted from September 8 to 15, 2022.

A total of 521 enterprises were interviewed in the fifth wave of the survey. They are located in Vinnytsya, Volyn, Dnipropetrovsk, Zakarpattya, Zaporizhzhya, Zhytomyr, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kyiv, Kirovohrad, Lviv, Mykolayiv, Odesa, Poltava, Rivne, Sumy, Ternopil, Khmelnytskyy, Cherkasy, Chernivtsi and Chernihiv regions as well as in Kyiv city. In each of these regions, from 3 to 50 enterprises were surveyed12.

The majority of the sample consisted of industrial enterprises: 476 enterprises or 91% of the sample. The food industry, fabrics, clothing, footwear production, and machine building prevail among them. 26 enterprises represent the service sector (5% of the sample), and ten represent trade (2% of the sample). Six enterprises, or 1.2% of the sample, are agricultural, and three enterprises (0.6%) represent the construction industry.

Among the surveyed enterprises, there are companies of various sizes, determined by the number of employees: micro-enterprises (up to 10 employees) – 55 or 11% of the sample, small (from 11 to 50 employees) – 138 or 26% of the sample, medium-sized (from 51 to 250 employees) – 191 or 37% of the sample and large (more than 250 employees) – 137 or 26% of the sample.

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