Based on the online survey results

Regular online surveys of participating organizations and partners of the Initiative on various economic issues are aimed at promptly receiving feedback (reactions) from interested parties on various events, initiatives of the Government, and other stakeholders in the customs and related sectors. The results of the relevant surveys are published and sent to the interested state authorities.

The survey “Impact of introduced electricity supply restrictions on the enterprises’ activities” is the 22nd survey in a series of online surveys regularly conducted by the Initiative.

After the Russian military attacks, the energy infrastructure of Ukraine was damaged. As a result, its throughput has significantly decreased. Electricity is produced, but it has become much more difficult to deliver it to the final consumer. There was an electricity shortage, and to reduce it, stabilization shutdowns of consumers, which help to balance the power system, were introduced.

Subsequently, power outage schedules were introduced. At the same time, there were emergency power outages to consumers outside of the established schedules.

The survey purpose: to find out to what extent the introduced power outages for consumers affected the activities of enterprises, including export-import operations. And to what extent enterprises were able to adapt to the introduced outage schedules.

The survey was conducted in an online format. Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used for data collection.

The field stage was held from December 12 to 22, 2022.


  1. All surveyed enterprises regardless of geographic location faced emergency power outages after October 10, 2022. Such outages had a significant impact on the vast majority of them.
  2. To adapt to power outages, the majority of enterprises surveyed (78%) changed their work schedule. Much less – 43% – installed independent sources of electricity supply, and another 19% changed the location of workers or organized additional working workplaces, 8% dismissed workers or sent them on vacation, and 5% increased work efficiency.
  3. 14% of respondents could not adapt to power outages.
  4. The impact of power outages on enterprises’ production is uneven and affects different enterprises in different ways. For the largest share of respondents, production volumes fell by 30% to 50% from previous indicators.
  5. On average, downtime of enterprises due to power outages was 31% of working hours in October 2022, and 46% of working hours in November 2022.
  6. Half of the respondents from those engaged in foreign economic activity (54%) stated that the time for customs clearance of goods increased due to power outages, while for 46% of such enterprises, this time did not change.
  7. For the majority of respondents, further power outages over the next three months will lead to a significant reduction in activity.

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