Promoting trade facilitation through promotion of dialogue between civil society actors and public authorities (Trade Facilitation Dialogue). The project is supported by the European Union.
Overall objective: to strengthen capacity of business associations and NGOs to identify and advocate trade facilitation policy actions thereby creating the ground for successful promotion of Ukraine’s integration in global economy in general and further integration with EU in particular
Specific objectives:
- To improve capacity of business associations and NGOs to identify administrative and regulatory measures that stand to facilitate trade, and to monitor and evaluate progress in their implementation, and to advocate business-enabling changes
- To facilitate policy dialogue between business associations / NGOs and public authorities aimed at implementation of trade facilitation policy actions
- To reduce costs of trade in Ukraine
Estimated results:
- Strengthened capacity of business associations and NGOs to identify administrative and regulatory measures that stand to facilitate trade; to monitor and evaluate progress (M&E) in their implementation; and to advocate changes (measured by # of advocacy campaigns, policy wins, persons trained etc.)
- Developed standardized tool for M&E of progress in implementation of trade facilitation measures; conducted four waves of M&E, including survey of 1000 firms per wave
- Increased involvement of business associations, NGOs in dialogues with public authorities regarding trade facilitation actions (measured by policy wins, coverage of debates / hearings, involvement in public councils)
- Reduced trade costs boosting international trade (measured by Doing Business sub-index, Logistics Performance Index)
Main activities:
- Establish and maintain network of business associations and NGOs interested in promoting trade facilitation reforms
- Organize four waves of M&E benchmarking situation and measuring progress in border procedures/ other measures
- Support preparation of policy and position papers
- Conduct capacity building activities for business associations and NGOs on policy analysis and advocacy
- Support organization of advocacy campaigns on issues that stand to improve border procedures
- Facilitation of dialogue between civil society actors and public authorities regarding trade facilitation policy actions
Duration of the project: April 2014 – December 2018