“Our border” – public monitoring of border crossings under martial law. Issue 4. August 2023

The publication was prepared as part of the project “For Fair and Transparent Customs”, funded by the European Union and co-financed by the International Renaissance Foundation, and the ATLAS Network (USA). Its content is the responsibility of the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting and does not necessarily represent the position of the European Union, the Renaissance Foundation, or the ATLAS Network.

Dear ladies and gentlemen, we present you with the third issue of the Information and Analytical Bulletin “Our Border,” in which the results of public monitoring of the quality of services provided by authorities when crossing the state border are published.

The monitoring is based on the results of the research, the purpose of which is to receive feedback from citizens and businesses regarding satisfaction with services during border crossing and working out the relevant recommendations.

The subject of the study is the assessments and expectations of businesses regarding obstacles in the implementation of export-import activities, and the assessments and expectations of Ukrainian citizens regarding the quality of services received when crossing the state border between Ukraine and the countries of the European Union and the Republic of Moldova from the State Customs Service and the State Border Service of Ukraine.

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