Customs service reloading: PRO et CONTRA

Survey Results

We bring to your attention the results of another online survey on the topic ” Customs service reloading: PRO et CONTRA”.

Is the 26th survey from a series of online surveys regularly conducted by the project “Support for the Public Initiative “For Fair and Transparent Customs.”

The field stage was held from July 24 to August 11, 2023.

The project “Support for the Public Initiative “For Fair and Transparent Customs” (the Initiative) conducts regular online surveys on various economic issues aimed at promptly receiving feedback (reactions) from interested parties on various events, initiatives of the Government, other stakeholders in customs, and related areas. The results of the relevant surveys are published and sent to the interested state authorities.

The survey “State Customs Service reloading: pro et contra” is an attempt to evaluate the main provisions of draft law No. 6490d dated 06.04.2023 “On amendments to the Customs Code of Ukraine regarding the establishing of specifics of service in customs authorities and certification of officials of customs authorities” (hereinafter – the draft law).

The draft law is aimed at restarting the activities of the State Customs Service of Ukraine. For example, it is proposed to introduce a transparent competitive selection of the Head of the State Customs Service by a highly qualified competitive committee created with the participation of international and foreign donors. In addition, an annual assessment of the activities of the head of customs is implemented with the participation of international and foreign donors. To strengthen his powers, it is proposed to allow personnel appointments in the customs office without the approval of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine. An increase in the customs officers’ salaries and their re-certification, is also foreseen.

These measures, according to their initiators, should contribute to increasing the stability and efficiency of the customs authorities’ activities, the development of customs affairs and economic growth, and the formation of an effective basis for reducing corruption and pressure on business.

The survey is aimed at studying the expectations and attitudes of interested persons to the provisions of the draft law No. 6490-d dated 04/06/2023, aimed at restarting the State Customs Service of Ukraine.

The draft law is aimed at rebooting the activities of the State Customs Service of Ukraine.

Its provisions, in particular, propose:

  • To introduce a transparent competitive selection of the Head of the State Customs Service by a highly qualified competition commission established with the participation of international and foreign donors.
  • Implement an annual assessment of the activities of the head of customs with the participation of international and foreign donors.
  • To allow the appointment of the customs management without the approval of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.
  • Increase the amount of salaries for customs officers.
  • Re-certification of customs officers.

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