New Monthly Enterprises Survey. Issue 19. (11.2023) Ukrainian Business in Wartime

The Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting (IER) has released the 19-th monthly enterprise survey “Ukrainian business in wartime” for November 2023.

The goal of the project is to quickly collect information on the current state of the economy at the enterprise level.

The field stage of the 19-th wave lasted from November 17 to November 30, 2023. In November, 539 companies were surveyed.

The enterprise managers compared the work results in November 2023 with October 2023, assessed the indicators at the time of the survey (November 2023), and gave forecasts for the next two, three, or six months, depending on the question. In certain issues (where indicated), the work results were compared with the pre-war period (before February 24, 2022).

Main results of the 19-th monthly enterprise survey:

  • The economic recovery rate accelerated again amid the cessation of the downward trend in short-term optimism and the reduction of uncertainty.
  • Uncertainty in the 3-month perspective has decreased significantly, and uncertainty in the 2-year perspective, although still high, has also decreased somewhat.
  • The rate of business activity recovery compared to the previous year is high and has almost doubled compared to the previous month.
  • Industrial confidence indicator increased, production indicators compared to previous months, and expectations for three months remain optimistic.
  • The share of enterprises operating at full capacity has increased.
  • Rising prices, insecurity, logistical problems, and labor shortages top the list of obstacles.
  • The obstacle “unsafe to work” moved from the 3rd to the 2nd position in the list of obstacles.
  • Employment indicators showed a seasonal slowdown, while the labor market experienced a shortage of unskilled workers.

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